Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 01 22

Nobody wants ambiguity. They want excitement! They want certainty!

The Gray Area is dead. God is dead. Polarization is here to stay.

I think the reason everyone has a podcast, a YouTube channel, a TikTok, a blog (lol), etc etc etc is because legit we’re all trying to figure out what the new economy even is. What worked in the past no longer does and there isn’t (yet?) a blueprint (school?) to learn how to navigate these Weird Economic Times.

The only thing truly bankable these days is having an audience.

To get an audience, you need to give the people what they want.

And the people want one static image each and every day along with some obscure thoughts and ramblings.



Nobody wants ambiguity. They want excitement! They want certainty! 

The Gray Area is dead. God is dead. Polarization is here to stay. 

I think the reason everyone now needs a Personal Brand, a podcast, a YouTube channel, a TikTok, a blog (lol), an S-Corporation (β€œCorporations are people!”), etc etc etc is because legit we’re all trying to figure out what the new economy even is. What worked in the past no longer does and there isn’t (yet?) a blueprint (school?) to learn how to navigate these Weird Economic Times. 

The only thing truly bankable these days is having an audience. 

To get an audience, you need to β€œgo viral” … and give the people what they want.

And the people want one static image each and every day along with some obscure thoughts and ramblings. 



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